Streams and rivers are important connectors of ecosystems and regulators of water quality. We are especially interested in non-perennial streams, which go dry for some period of time. Such streams already make up more than half of all river length globally and will become more common due to climate change and anthropogenic activity. Despite their prevalence, non-perennial streams are remarkably under-studied compared to their perennial counterparts. We are interested in what streams can tell us about the landscapes they drain and how their physical and biogeochemical functions change over time, especially when flow ceases and then reinitiates. Dr. Singley has studied streams from Antarctica to Colorado, Iowa, and coastal areas in Rhode Island.
Forests are important from a variety of perspectives including culturally, hydrologically, economically, etc and they provide a fascinating living link between subsurface water stores and the atmosphere. We are particularly intrigued by opportunities to quantify highly heterogenous subsurface characteristics and processes by observing forest ecohydrology over spatial and temporal scales from rural to urban forests.
Human modifications (or construction) of the critical zone are pervasive, especially in the form of infrastructure such as roads, dams, stormwater systems, and much more. We are interested in how these modifications alter critical zone hydrologic connectivity and the biogeochemical consequences. For example, sea level rise has the potential to lead to coastal infrastructure failure or abandonment, which can rapidly alter where and when tidal fluctuations influence surface water-groundwater interactions and water quality.
Antarctica captures the imagination of scientists and the public unlike almost any other place on Earth. While nearly everyone is aware of Antarctic research on ice sheets and charismatic megafauna, such as penguins or orcas, there are many other fascinating aspects of this continent that can provide valuable insight into how ecosystems function and respond to global change. Our research focuses the McMurdo Dry Valleys, which are the largest ice-free region in Antarctica. We study the hydrology and biogeochemistry of ephemeral streams in this seemingly desolate polar desert, where microbial life thrives during the short Austral summer.
Through courses and collaborative research in our lab, we are committed to fostering vibrant learning environments rooted in constructivist learning principles, namely: (1) collaborative, student-centered lessons promote deep understanding and (2) developing expertise requires feedback and multi-modal learning. Our work is aimed at building quantitative systems thinking and data literacy.
We believe that every voice matters, and are dedicated to improving equity and inclusion in geoscience education through deliberate reflection, formal training, and collaboration. Dr. Singley’s courses employ structures and routines drawn from feminist and progressive pedagogies that promote use of feedback, encourage intellectual risk taking, and emphasize metacognition.
Our lab group is not only dedicated to scientific discovery and teaching, but also actively engages in advocating for science-informed policies at various levels. We believe in the importance of science advocacy and work to bridge the gap between research and real-world impact. We do so through direct partnerships with stakeholders in designing and conducting our research to build connections among academic, community, municipal, and non-profit organizations. We also engage in direct relationship building and policy advocacy with our federal legislators, particularly through efforts such as AGU’s Local Science Partners program. This affords opportunities to advocate as scientists and for science beyond our individual research projects. Dr. Singley also builds policy training into course projects and lessons, to help students link engaged citizenship with their developing scientific literacy.