Navigating Academia
Navigating academia can be daunting and downright confusing, especially when deciding to pursue graduate studies. There are many unspoken cultural norms and expectations that result in a less than welcoming environment, especially for people who are not already well connected to academia. Speaking for myself, I was completely baffled by the process of applying to graduate school that existed outside of the formal application submitted to a university. Additionally, I had no idea what positions people were recruiting for or how to find the listservs where positions were being advertised.
Hopefully the resources listed below offers some small assistance in navigating academia.
Applying to Graduate School
Geosciences Education & Mentorship Support (GEMS) program - this is an awesome program that provides mentoring for undergraduate and early-stage graduate students, especially related to applying to graduate school
Why and how to email faculty prior to applying to graduate school (Luck Lab)
So you want to go to grad school? Nail the inquiry email (Contemplative Mammoth)
Write a CV for graduate school (Wordvice)
Graduate school personal statement (MIT BE Communication Lab)
Writing your statement of purpose (Berkeley)
Finding Opportunities
Gaining research experience as an undergraduate can be difficult, but is highly valued by potential advisors. Additionally, it can help you determine whether graduate school is right for you and what type of research you are interested.
Institute for Broadening Participation - connects underrepresented students with STEM funding and research opportunities
AboutHydrology Google Group - announcements about events, graduate and post-doc positions, new books, open source software, AGU and EGU sessions and so on
Earth Sciences Job Email List (Earth Science Women’s Network) - postings for jobs, graduate and post-doc positions, fellowships, etc.
Research Experience for Community College Students (CIRES CU Boulder) - paid summer research internship program open to all Colorado community college students
Research Experiences in Solid Earth Science (UNAVCO) - summer internship program dedicated to increasing the diversity of students entering the geosciences.
Research Experience for Undergraduates (NSF) - supports active research participation by undergraduate students in any of the areas of research funded by the NSF
Summer Multicultural Access to Research Training (CU Boulder) - 10-week summer research internships for rising juniors and seniors . The program aims to improve access to STEM research for racial/ethnic groups which are underrepresented in science, math, and engineering and for first-generation college students who are economically disadvantaged.
Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research (NCAR) - undergraduate-to-graduate program dedicated to broadening participation in the atmospheric sciences.
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